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The practice or teachings of TANTRA & TAOISM encompasses a deep understanding of the natural flow of nature. The intention of the traditional & modified teachings are to support us to come back into a natural state of being, free  in our selves,
in love & in flow


Tantra in its essence is the weaving of so called feminine & masculine energy to balance. It's an embodied understanding of how to live in
Resonance & presence with ourselves & eachother


The practices aims to heighten our energy understanding, cultivating conscius authentic relating & how to deepen our connections


Taoism gives us understanding of how to live
as effortlessly as possibly & how to navigate our energetic body, the interconnectedness within ourselves & with nature


A session or workshop is tailor made due to
the intention and delicacy of our work

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I teach from my heart
I guide through my soul
& I welcome you wherever you are

Alchemy Energy- & Bodywork

Experience Alchemy Energy & Bodywork to release physical and emotional blockages through de-armoring, TCM, shamanism, and energy practices, promoting vitality, healing and reconnection with your authentic self

Trauma work

Trauma work uses therapeutic approaches like somatic experiencing and mindfulness to heal past traumas on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, releasing stored emotional wounds and reclaiming inner peace

Sexological somatic bodywork
& therapy

Experience the transformative power

of Sexological Somatic Bodywork and Therapy to heal sexual trauma, release shame, overcome dysfunctions, and reclaim pleasure and intimacy by harnessing your body’s innate wisdom in a supportive, empowering environment


Read more & book your YOU time:​

I also work with

Tai Chi/Qi gong - Taoistic practices
Bio Energetics & somatics
Breathwork & soundjourneys
Movement therapy
Nervous system regulation

Genom fantastiskt vägledning fick vi möjligheten att verkligen lyssna på varandra och uppleva en djupare nivå av kommunikation. Vi kände in varandras energier på ett sätt som vi aldrig tidigare gjort, vilket skapade en fantastisk känsla av samhörighet och förståelse. Denna upplevelse var både vacker och transformerande, och vi är oerhört tacksamma för den insikt och närhet den förde med sig in i vår relation. Tack Jaandrée för att du visade oss vägen till ännu mer djup, kärlek och flow

– swedish couple, 45 years old

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